CLWA Personnel
Are you interested in serving on the CLWA Board of Directors? Click on the button below to find out more about the job.
Sue Brown (2022-2026)
Mark Walton (2022-2025)
Bruce Gerhart (2021-2025)
Ellen Herscher (2022-2026)
Board of Directors
Ron Ahrns (2020-2026)
Catherine (Tassie) Bosher (2021-2027)
Rick Cosaro (2020-2026)
Mary Ferens (2022-2027}
Jim Hamp (2022-2025)
Susan Kirkpatrick (2021-2027)
Tom Kucera (2020-2026)
Barbara Leonard (2021-2027)
Dirk Nelson (2022-2025)
Greg Nowell (2023-2026)
Coleman Schindler (2023-2027)
Wanda Shreiner (2022-2025)
Steve Stephens (2020-2026)
Hugh Walton (2022-2025)
Dave Wynne (2022-2025)
Past Presidents
Bob Appleford (2002-2008)
Joel Buzzell (2012-2017)
Ed Hoogterp (2008-2012)
CLWA Contractors
Gary Herbert
Boat Wash Manager
Karen Dennis
Day Bookkeeping
Office Administrator
John Ransom
CLWA Lake Biologist
Water Quality Testing
Protecting Crystal Lake Now for Generations to Come.
P.O. Box 89 • Beulah, MI 49617
231.882.4001 Tel
The Crystal Lake Watershed Association (CLWA), is a non-profit (501c3) organization.
Photography: Jay Burt and Rick Cosaro
Site by: Rick Cosaro